Papaya Cultivation..

soil and climate

Soil and climatic requirements

Papaya is basically a tropical plant, which requires not only high temperature but also ample sunshine and adequate moisture in the soil and is highly sensitive to frost.



In India, a large number of papaya varieties are cultivated.



Papaya is generally propagated by seeds obtained through controlled pollination.


Nutrient Management

For papaya, fertilizers should be applied once in every two months.



Papaya needs regular water for its rapid fruit development and yield.


Spacing and Planting

In the main field, pits of 45 cm3 are dug at the spacing of 1.8m × 1.8m, which should be filled with red earth and FYM. Arka Krishi All Rounder Talc formulation @ 2-3 kg/one ton of FYM or 2-3 litres of liquid formulation/one ton of FYM may be enriched.  This enriched FYM may be applied @ 5 kg/plant at the time of planting and repeated at 6 months interval @ 2 kg/plant for growth promotion and yield enhancement. Instead of pits, trenches can also be dug. In case of dioecious varieties three plants are planted per pit, so that early flowering males are removed, to maintain one male plant for every ten female plants.